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Delighted to see you still making games, I think the last time I must've read one of your works has to be like... seven years ago? You're still knocking it out of the park. Looking forward to reading more. :)

(7 edits) (+3)

God, that was perfect. Flea did exactly what I hoped he would do and saved my dumb Detective from a stupid, anger driven mistake. Then said Detective discovered some new unfortunate kinks that night, ones he'll probably deny to the end of days . But at the same time, he's starting to really fall for Flea.

I just love that I can play this hot/cold, snarky, stubborn, lonely and repressed detective who is falling hard for Flea despite his better judgement. I love that he can deny everything, but secretly is completely becoming wrapped around Flea's finger. He's already offering to cook for him and would even probably buy Flea clothes and give him a key to his place. And he'd probably do it all without realizing he was doing it. And then die of embarrassment if Ted points it out to him.

However...Flea is NEVER to mention the spanking again. He definitely did NOT like it. And that's all that should be said. He also absolutely did not like the 'leash'.....................Oh god... *detective dies shamefully in a corner blushing*

Also, thank you for the praise kink! Flea deserves praise and love.


Wow. The writing on this is just so expressive and incredible. 


I love the character developement 🥰


I'm glad!


I love it, it's so amazing, especially with our incubus Flea :D I love him, he went from being a brat to be a sweetling :) I'm looking forward to more adventures with him and MC :D


Yay! There’ll be plenty more bratty moments to go with the sweet…


Of course. We demand sour and sweet. Only way Flea can continue to worm his way into my detective's heart. Just like the cat. Detective seems to have a weakness for pretty and bratty. xD


I'm really enjoying this so far, especially with how flavorful the options are.


I'm glad! Thanks very much.


This was so cute. I love Flea!!!

Yay! <3


finding such a good story is so fulfilling 


That's very kind. Thank you!


*sobs incoherently*

okay but this was wrapped up so well!!! ted is precious and i'm so in love with flea and the entire story and he actually gave us a kiss goodbye oh my GOD i'm about to sob again

bravo!!! keep cooking, you!!! however long it takes, it's always worth it!!!


Ahh, thank you! Loved writing the kiss goodbye.


MY HEART IS BREAKING AND BEING PUT BACK TOGETHER i am utterly OBSESSED with your writing i can't wait for the next chapter ugh <3 

Wow! Thank you. <3


You're genuinely a favorite author of mine. I'm so excited to keep reading that I've already replayed all three chapters! lmao


Thank you so much! <3


So good, thank you for the yummy meal. Will try to wait patiently for the next.

You're welcome! ^_^


This might be my favorite chapter so far I love how sweet Flea and MCs interactions were.

Aw, thank you! I enjoyed writing some softer stuff this chapter.


Just popping out of lurkdom to say thanks for another great one. Ted meeting Flea was by far my fave moment and I'm so looking forward to many more awkward meetings between these 2.


Thank YOU! I pretty much adore any scene that puts Flea and Ted in the same room, so I hope you enjoy 'em too!


I want more of Ted bullying my Detective about his new 'boyfriend'. xD

(1 edit) (+6)

This chapter was just as amazing as the last two, so excited every time a new one comes out, and can't wait for more!


Thank you so much!


I am loving this! I'm so excited for the next chapter!

Yay! <3


Another great installment! I love seeing their relationship change over time. Looking forward to their next adventure!

Thank you! <3


my heart is weak for Flea.. i love how we’re getting closer 🥹 cant wait until they start realizing they’re falling for each other. SO EXCITED 

Oh, me too!!


having so much fun with this series so far! the writing and characterization is so good and now im completely hooked on flea 😅 hes such a cutie in both writing and art 🥰 thank you for this if!!


Oh, thank YOU! I'm so glad Flea, the disaster he is, has his fans.

(1 edit) (+3)

WOOOHOOO cant wait until im done with work!

Hope you enjoy!

(1 edit) (+2)


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