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Aw T-T I loved the angst and angst-fluff this chapter, thank you again for writing another great chapter with deep characters! I really hope Flea lets down his walls someday towards MC. Totally understanding his position of wanting to pull away and not hurt MC cuz he cares too much for them. I was the same, took a very loving person and lot of time for me to finally stop running and face my fears. I hope he can do the same one day ;v; ❤️


so good your writing has my stomach in knots sometimes  I cant get enough man and I love having my stubborn lil man tell flea to stay like his puppy dog earnest is something the incubus cant say no to LOL

as a sidenote im really happy I was able to guess the culprit for the new case idk made me feel a lil smart


Gosh darnittttt! Man are you a great writer. Taking me from the pits of angst last chapter to such a wonderful moment. Hats of to you! 

Also, I am so nervous for next chapter... 

Ah! Thank you!


again, i really enjoyed the chapter & especially the writing.


on a personal note, i really hope that the fact that MC got a taste of pure incubus blood will have future consequences (maybe transformation....)

Thank you! <3


I am now officially scared for the future. XD The ending with Flea was so sweet, it tugged so hard on my heartstrings. But I know the story isn't over so I'm more tense than ever, lmao. 

MY BOOOOOOOY [hugs protectively] 

I'm sure he'll be fine. It'll be fiiiiiine.

(1 edit) (+2)

Oh my gawwwwwd... *hugs Flea furiously* He has no idea how worried he made my detective. Alex was between beating his arse for worrying him or just straight dragging him home and forcing scrambled eggs down his throat. And really, Flea, how can you believe that monster? It was already slowly ruining and killing those ppl long before Flea showed up. So no, Flea did not ruin them by being there. Plus, Alex comes pre-ruined, so its all good. *thumbs up*

And pity? Oh Flea...what detective Alex feels is far more potent and ancient.

So next chapter, we get a break from death-battles and take Flea clothes shopping, right? Right? xD (just kidding, but my secretly a mother-hen detective wants to dote over Flea even more now that he has him back)


Yeah, Flea's got a lot of black fog up in that head of his...

Next chapter... well, I can confirm that it will be lighter than this one!

haha. No biggy if not. I actually have really enjoyed it all so far. The fights, the sex, the plot...its all been really good. I was actually hoping for an update soon, so I was thrilled to see this chapter pop up on my feed. Thank you so much for this gem of a story. ^_^


OMG. Just OMG. Just when I thought I couldn't love Flea anymore, but OMG. This chapter took the words out of my mouth, leaving me with butterflies in my stomach and emotions I can't even begin to express. TYSM! <33


Wow! Thank you! <3 I'm so glad you liked it.


omfg the end of the chapter made me cryyyyy.... so good so sweet T^T


Made you suffer to get there, but hopefully it was worth it. ^^;

so worth it. <3 10/10


im gonna cry i love flea and the detective so much (& ted!) im always so excited when a new chapter is released and have to play all the chapters from the beginning. the ending to this one was so perfect but now im sad its over TT-TT thank you for the release!!


Thank you! It means a lot to know you enjoy Incubus like that. <3


This was amazing!  Your writing is fantastic,  I have loved every chapter of this and cannot wait for more!

Wow, thank you so much!


FLEA I MISSED YOU!!!!! This chapter was fantastic sonnet, I don't know why I'm shocked you outdo yourself every time. I liked solving the mystery with the job as well. Also, the picture of flea jesus my eyes have been truly blessed. 〒▽〒

I'd been sooooo looking forward to sharing that cover! ^_^


Did I cry at the end of this chapter? Maybe yes, definitely yes. I just love the detective and Flea so much! Great chapter! 

Aw! Thank you!




There's a lot of it, huh?

(1 edit) (+3)

Huh, you have the uncanny ability to come up with new chapters right as I begin to wonder about them lol. That last scene has me a little emotional, ngl. Be still, my heart and all that jazz. This chapter hurt... I was sure it was gonna be one step ahead and 2 back based on where we left off in the last chapter. But then seeing Flea care, and use words and express his feelings like a real boy has been very heartwarming. And I got to threaten shitty teenagers with an ass beating, so my grouchy old self is very satisfied now. As always, looking forward to the next time! Keep yourself safe until then :).

Haha! Writing the shitty teenagers was viscerally aggravating, so I just HAD to put an option like that in there...

Thank you for playing, and for leaving such a nice comment!